Sunday, January 1, 2012

First Post!

Happy New Year! I've been wanting to start a blog for a while, and I thought the first of the year was a great time to do so. This is just going to be about random stuff going on with me, and I want to update it with a short post every day. :)
Maybe I'll talk about what I'm reading, writing, doing, stuff going on in school, etc. So I'm going to start with my New Year.

This year, my family stayed home and did fondue ourselves, which was really fun. We ended up not getting to the oil until 10:30, and since we had to wait an hour due to keeping Kosher, we're doing the chocolate tonight! After dinner, I convinced my dad to turn on the fireplace and my sister and I sat in front of it and played on the computer. Throughout the night, my dad kept going to his car and getting scratch lottery tickets, so that was fun. At midnight we all went up to my parents' bed since they have the biggest TV, and watched the ball drop and shot confetti. One of the best accomplishments of my night? Posting the first WNTM picture of 2012. xD  And still managing to write 2010 on everything. Which I never did during 2011. 

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog's start, Gabby! I,um, kinda missed the ball drop. I was distracted with writing Love Red. But I pulled myself away from the computer for the local countdown, LOL.
